The Best Places to Submit Invention Ideas

Whether you have a new invention idea or you're just trying to promote your own, you want to be sure to submit it to the right place. If you don't, you might end up wasting time and money. Here are a few places to consider.


Using the internet as a source for submitting invention ideas can best place to submit invention ideas a great way to get your idea into the public's eye. Quirky is a web-based platform that accepts invention ideas and lets users vote on them. The company uses the community's votes to select which inventions will be developed and produced.

Quirky's goal is to get ideas into the market quickly. To do this, the company evaluates the product for uniqueness, patentability, and marketability. They also perform materials testing and pricing analysis.

Coastal Pet Products

Coastal Pet Products, a division of the venerable GE (Giant Electron) has a lot to offer. They have a number of employee assistance programs and offer a temperature-controlled facility to boot. Besides, they make some pretty nice stuff, from pet collars to grooming products.

In terms of a pet related business, it's definitely in the top five. In addition, they also have a cool looking website that's worth checking out.


Whether you're an individual or an organization, if you're looking to pitch a new idea to a company or institution, BD is the place to start. They have an online submission form which can be used to submit your idea inventions. It takes about four to six weeks for BD to review your submission.

The company also has a brochure which provides more details. They have a strong balance sheet and are invested in the long term development of their products. As the population ages, the need for Medtronic's products continues to grow.


Having an invention idea can be a great way to bring a new product to the market. But it is important to do your research before submitting your idea to a company. This will allow you to find a company that will be able to meet your goals.

Many companies have dedicated pages on their websites for submissions. They will review your idea invention and contact you if they are interested. Some will ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This is important, as some companies will not pay for ideas that are unsolicited. You may also be contacted for an interview.

Wilson Sporting Goods

Inventors can submit their invention ideas to Wilson Sporting Goods. This company is one of the leading manufacturers of sports equipment in the world. Its products are primarily sold in the American and European markets.

To submit your idea, visit the company's website. You will need to fill out a form that describes your idea. Once the company receives it, it will contact you.

If your idea is patented, it will be reviewed by the company's in-house experts. If the company decides to move forward with your idea, they will pay you up to 60% of the revenue generated from the sale of the product. You will also need to provide a New Product Disclosure Form.

Hyde Tools

Known for their innovative hand tools and decorating aids, Hyde Tools is a company that has been around for a while. The company has been in service to the home handyman for over a century. As a matter of fact, the company is celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2000.

The company also has a dedicated submission portal for inventors. They even have a NDA that they require aspiring entrepreneurs to sign. The company pays up to $500 for a successful submission. If the idea is deemed to be a worthy fit, they can also offer a licensing agreement.

DJO Global

Whether you have an invention you're working on or a concept for a new product line, DJO Global is the place to submit your ideas. With a team of over 5,000 people spanning the globe, DJO specializes in medical technologies and orthopedics. Its products and services are divided into four primary areas: rehabilitation, post-surgical care, industrial products, and medical services.

DJO is a dynamic company that has grown from a tiny startup company to a global juggernaut. In the last seven months alone, the company has acquired MedShape, LiteCure Laser Therapy, and Trilliant Surgical. If you're interested in submitting your invention to the pros, check out their online submission form.

Cal-Van Tools

Whether you are looking to submit a new idea, or just want to check the competition, there are a few places that you should look at. The best place to submit a new idea is Quirky. They will review your idea for you and give you an estimate for how much money you will get for it. If you are lucky, they might have an invention that you can take to market.

Idea Buyer

Whether you're an inventor or a business owner, submitting invention ideas for sale can be a great option. You can partner with companies to launch new products, and in the process, earn royalties. However, you'll want to do your research before submitting an idea.

Many companies will only accept submissions if they have patents on the idea. You'll also want to make sure your idea isn't already being implemented. To help determine if an idea is already in use, the US Patent and Trademark Office can help.


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